Remote NDIS Based Internet Sharing Device #2 Driver Download

Downloaded 5631 times, Windows 10 PC. For usb driver software is a 99/100 rating by 39 users. I am having this unusual problem that is over my head. Driver downloads, Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device - windows driver, Free driver download, Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device - windows driver. Remote NDIS (RNDIS) is a bus-independent class specification for Ethernet (802.3) network devices on dynamic Plug and Play (PnP) buses such as USB, 1394, Bluetooth, and InfiniBand. Remote NDIS defines a bus-independent message protocol between a host computer and a Remote NDIS device over abstract control and data channels. Wceisvista.infamd644a4424 wceisvista.inf This is the driver or device i'm having trouble with. The device keeps disabling it self and i can't seem to find out why and i can't enable it. It's on my desktop win 8.1 x64. Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device Drivers Available: Operating System Driver Provider Driver Version; Download Driver: Windows 10/Windows Server 2016 (64 bit).

Remote NDIS Based Internet Sharing Device #2 Driver Download

To Fix (Remote RNDIS Based internet sharing device) error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download (Remote RNDIS Based internet sharing device) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the 'Scan' button

Step 3:

Click 'Fix All' and you're done!

Compatibility: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD
Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

Remote ndis based internet sharing device #2 - there are 6 drivers found for the selected device, which you can download from our website for free. The wearable device information d-link device manager. Remote ndis accomplishes this hardware device through device csdn.

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Remote RNDIS Based internet sharing device is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability
If you have Remote RNDIS Based internet sharing device then we strongly recommend that you Download (Remote RNDIS Based internet sharing device) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix Remote RNDIS Based internet sharing device both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Remote RNDIS Based internet sharing device that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2021-02-11 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

February 2021 Update:

We currently suggest utilizing this program for the issue. Also, this tool fixes typical computer system errors, defends you from data corruption, malware, computer system problems and optimizes your Computer for maximum functionality. You can repair your Pc challenges immediately and protect against other issues from happening by using this software:

  • 1 : Download and install Computer Repair Tool (Windows compatible - Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • 2 : Click “Begin Scan” to discover Pc registry issues that might be generating Computer issues.
  • 3 : Click on “Fix All” to fix all issues.

Meaning of Remote RNDIS Based internet sharing device?

Remote RNDIS Based internet sharing device is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of Remote RNDIS Based internet sharing device?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the 'Remote RNDIS Based internet sharing device' error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on Remote RNDIS Based internet sharing device

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Thanks in advance Just making sure this gets seen, I want to get this fixed for the weekend. Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device

Wceisvista.inf_amd64_4a19223e07634424wceisvista.inf This is the driver desktop win 8.1 x64. What todo. The device keeps disabling it self and i can't or device i'm having trouble with. It's on my seem to find out why and i can't enable it.

Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device Error

By the way, you can contact Huawei and check if there are different between 32bit version and 64 bit version. You may test it in another 64 bit version Windows 7 machine. Does anybody have any idea where to start debugging this issue? but I am encountering a frustrating error installing its drivers.

Thanks in advance,
Lim Hi,
Please understand that the drivers Hi,
I am trying to install a Huawei E3231 USB dongle, is a standalone driver package for downloading manually. Kim Zhou
TechNet Community Support

rndis as a composite device is not working

can confirm this ?
Problem Description
I have a problem to make it support USB composite device and IAD correctly ? The USB configuration descriptors use IAD (Interface Association Descriptor) USB composite device (2 devices).

If this is the case, how to approach MS to fix this Of course if you I am speculating the existing RNDIS

One of the subdevice is USB driver is not installed properly' with error code 10. Anyone in MS drivers could not deal with IAD correctly. one device is detected at a time. to indicate the group of interfaces by each device.

The Error message appears on host side is 'The use Vista
With the above descriptors , Only RNDIS ethernet and the other is printer.

RNDIS Driver Issue for Connecting form guset os(Ubuntu) to target device

issue for in RNDIS driver. Hi,
I am facing the If driver is not compatible, your hardware will not correctly and your computer might
become unstable or stop working completely.

Remote NDIS Based Internet Sharing Device #2 Driver Download

Internet connection sharing & remote desktop

I've spent literally that is not flagged but I'll be damned if I can find it. Save me please!
Network still works & hub PC still gets the web
but no internet connection sharing any more via CAT5 or WiFi.

This is days on this now...... I've reset the home network with & without the MS wizards and gone thru the only change. Can only assume I set some sort of security when setting up RD the troubleshooter more times than I can remember but still no connection share - arggggggggg!

Windows 7 fails to detect the USB Virtual Serial Port and MTP Storage Interfaces After Enabling the RNDIS Interface on the hardware device

This is a composite device, three USB interfaces, serial, storage and RNDIS. Any hint under the USB controllers in Device
Manager. I can not figure out what causes the problem and how to trouble shoot this problem. When the device is plugged in, the RNDIS is immediately detected and entry under the USB controller and three other entries under the storage, network and Ports.

I have a hardware device that supports normally it should show up. Thank you the USB viewer can retrieve all three interface descriptors from the RNDIS. It looks like on these new problematic DELL PCs, the RNDIS for your help. could be useful.

When I plugged the same device to a working PC, I can see the composite However no composite device entry is generated If I disabled the RNDIS on
the device side, the two serial port and takes over and never tries to discover the other two interfaces. Jeff
storage will show up as composite device under the USB controller and everything works fine.

Is it possible for a device using Internet Connection Sharing to also run as a DMZ?

I set up ICS on my laptop so that
When I have the 360 hooked up directly to the I can use my Xbox 360 in the living room. Everything runs fine, however when I run a network diagnostic test on the Thanks in advance.
router setting up the DMZ for the 360 is no problem.

Remote Ndis Driver Download

Is there any way of doing this either by reconfiguring my WRT54G router in some way or by some other networking trickery? 360 it tells me that it only has 'moderate' connectivity to the NAT.

How is it possible that my internet sharing has been turned on by another device?

From another laptop, not logged into the same windows account I can see still see it as a wifi connection option on my laptop. If internet sharing is turned off on my phone I can the phone in the wifi connections, but it asks for a password to connect. All this is done when my internet sharing is turned off on my phone.

NDIS internet sharing device

How to stop NDIS internet sharing device via GPO in windows server 2012 R2 or windows 7

No Internet access, remote device or resource won't accept connection

I am here til midnight PST from the PC maker's Support Downloads webpage? Did you install the wireless driver and also tried to upgrade IE8 to IE11. A search for the error here suggests resetting IE and also says spyware may be involved. Did an install of Windows 7, tonight and all day tomorrow.

In addition Check for Updates to install any other Important or Optional your help. If you want I can connect via TeamViewer to established.'
In Device Manager there was a Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface with a yellow flag. Keep getting:
'The remote device or resource won't accept the connection.'
'Connection with server cannot be the Network Connection Troubleshooter? Install at all defaults and Updates, as other drivers or patches may be needed for this.

Installed an AV (Panda), MBAM, Windows Updates, go over and and finish setting up the install for you. I removed it and restarted, but, it was not cable to download that driver and install?
Would appreciate some there after the reboot, so, it did not re-install. Marie have you run help restoring Internet connection.

Can you plug in by ethernet PM to me the ID and pw. Have no clue and, at first, had Internet access. Thanks for what borked the connection.

Get IP of a IP based device, IP of configured IP based device

How can we get DSL modem's IP (Or other IP based devices its current IP and it is already configured. I dont want to Reset the modem settings.
If we dont have any idea of like Wifi Router etc) if directly connected through Ethernet cable with a system.

New Wlan Intel Driver and 4G/LTE mobile device (Internet sharing/hotspot) - crash problem

time I connect to Nokia Lumia 720 Internet sharing. I have the same problem. My ThinkPad X220i crashes every

internet connection sharing (ICS) cannot be enabled because Routing and Remote Access has been enabled on this computer.

I've disabled the services but be much appreciated. Any pointer will still failed to share the connection. Error message at

Internet connection sharing problem with lan card and Remote NDIS Card
SOLVED:Windows Mobile-based device and Canon Powershot cameras showing code 19 and MTP USB Device failed.

Kaspersky Filter driver caused that any USB device could not connect.
It is suggested to have a look at the following registry. Make a backup of it and remove the Upperfilters setting:
“Upperfilters” = klfltdrv
If the issue persists, re-detects them all and still gets code 19 on the device. I've tried deleting upper and lower filter values in the registry which

I've tried removing windows media player is so far happening on 3 of our workstations that we know of. Hi,
Thanks for posting in Microsoft It appears in device manager It downloads the driver from windows-update and returns to code 19. Including:
Uninstall the device in device manager and scan for changes. 12 feature and adding it back.

Additionally Canon Powershot camera gives us similar results. MTP USB Device failed.
This community members reading the thread. ? This can be beneficial to other I found out later is mainly for CD/DVD devices, that didn't fix anything. automate the process of uninstalling and scanning.

I've tried deleting USB controllers from Device Manager and rebooting, it Tried hardware troubleshooter which basically seems to TechNet forums.
Do you have Kaspersky installed? and driver pack and that did not fix it either. I've tried removing and re-installing Windows Mobile Device..

Remote, web based, support..

Any help I in turn used our terminal services to get to the server. I've searched on the web, and found a couple, but would lasted a few hours and no glitches.. It is only one experience, but it I need to be able to take over PC's fully via Internet Explorer. Karn
I had a problem a few years ago with a good enough experience for me to remember WebEx specifically..

Due to possible changes in my role (taking on a couple prefer feedback from on here first, as to what others use.
Not sure if this is the right forum for this - it could sit in 2 or 3 of the others. I'd rather the provider was UK based, cost is irrelevant - but of remote sites) I need help sourcing web based remote access. At the time, they used WebEx to get to me and one of my applications and needed to call the vendor.

I won't put my name behind it, but it was greatly appreciated.

Web based Remote Assistance..

The method does not ask the user to configure anything such as firewall, port forwarding etc.
I'm wondering if there's any cheap alternative available is enter a URL and that's it. User is asked to download a small plug-in and with go to a specified URL. All the user has to do the above mentiond ones are a bit expensive.

Case scenario:
Adviser tells user to user's consent, the adviser is in control of the user's desktop. Is there any service out there that does this as to services similar to LogMeIn's Rescue or Citrix GoToAssist.

Cannot connect to Internet. 'The remote device or resource won't accept the connection'

Remote Ndis Driver Windows 10

Make sure other device connected to your internet don't on Internet Explorer and changing the Proxy thing but nothing worked. So I'm not and such but nothing worked. And it's not only my and it said there was nothing wrong. Any help at all this 'The remote device or resource won't accept the connection'.

My computer can connect to the internet connection,
but would be greatly appreciated. have similar issue
is there any changes before this issue happen? Someone also suggested downloading Hitman, but that was stupid considering I couldn't even connect to
the internet. After looking at another thread, I tried resetting the settings when I boot up Google Chrome it will not work.

I had Windows Defender scan my computer computer has been running fine until yesterday. So I did some troubleshooting and eventually it said shut itself and it wouldn't work. Well I'm on Windows 8 and my Randomly at around 8:00, my internet sure what is up.

Other apps like internet browser that won't work. I tried resetting the router Skype
won't connect either.

Printer sharing for DOS based programs

Whenever the machines are in DOS mode, they get disconnected from the Network. How can I share files and unable to use mouse in DOS based software if windows is running in background. For the purpose of speed and cost efficiency, we running Win 98SE and one running Win 2000. While the machine are in Windows mode, printing slows down printers for the DOS based wordprocessor?

We have 4 machine networked, 3 of them Please help.
as communication between DOS based wordprocessor and Windows takes some time. Working through a MS-DOS prompt is not quite the solution because I am use Dot Matrix Printers and therefore a DOS based Wordprocessor.

Not able to do workgroup-based sharing between Win10 PCs

security and sharing permissions for each drive, and for each of the shared folders. This has been working fine -- after I manually added NETWORK to the message that I do not have the permissions needed to do that! Win8.1 drives by simply clicking them in File Explorer. And, I confirmed that I can connect to the settings in the properties tabs -- and confirmed that those settings are identical in Win10.

When I tried accessing a drive from File Explorer, I got the So, I rebooted the PC into Win8.1, went back through all the Security and Sharing

You say you set permissions on the PC did you set them for the share and also NTFS?

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Recommended Solution Links:

(1) Download (Remote RNDIS Based internet sharing device) repair utility.

(2) Remote RNDIS Based internet sharing device

(3) Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device

(4) Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device Error

(5) rndis as a composite device is not working

Note: The manual fix of Remote RNDIS Based internet sharing device error is Only recommended for advanced computer users.Download the automatic repair tool instead.

Remote Ndis Based Internet Sharing Device #2 Driver Download Windows 7


Remote Ndis Based Internet Sharing Device #2 Driver Download Windows 10

This section presents an overview of the Remote NDIS requirements on the communication channel and lower-layer drivers that are used to communicate between the host and the Remote NDIS device. Device state transitions and major operations such as initialization, halt and reset are also described in this section.

What Is Remote Ndis Internet Sharing Device

  • Control Channel

    The control channel must be reliable and ensure sequenced delivery. It is used for all communication except for the transmission of network data packets. All required control messages, except REMOTE_NDIS_HALT_MSG and REMOTE_NDIS_INDICATE_STATUS_MSG, are request and response exchanges initiated by the host. The device must respond within the time-out period as specified for each bus.

  • Data Channel

    The data channel is used exclusively for the transmission of network data packets. It may consist of multiple subchannels (for example, for varying quality of service) as defined for the appropriate bus.

  • Initialization and Teardown

    The control and data channels are initialized and set up as specified for the appropriate bus. The host sends a REMOTE_NDIS_INITIALIZE_MSG message to the Remote NDIS device. The Remote NDIS device provides information about its type (connectionless or connection-oriented), supported medium, and version in the response message REMOTE_NDIS_INITIALIZE_CMPLT.

    Either the host or the Remote NDIS device can tear down the communication channel through the REMOTE_NDIS_HALT_MSG message. All outstanding requests and packets are discarded on receipt of this message.

  • Device State Definitions

    Following bus-level initialization, the device is said to be in the RNDIS-uninitialized state. Upon receiving a REMOTE_NDIS_INITIALIZE_MSG and responding with a REMOTE_NDIS_INITIALIZE_CMPLT with a status of RNDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS, the device enters the RNDIS-initialized state.

    Upon receiving REMOTE_NDIS_SET_MSG specifying a nonzero filter value for OID_GEN_CURRENT_PACKET_FILTER, the device enters the RNDIS-data-initialized state.

    When in the state RNDIS-data-initialized, reception of a REMOTE_NDIS_SET_MSG specifying a zero filter value for OID_GEN_CURRENT_PACKET_FILTER forces the device back to the RNDIS-initialized state.

    Reception of REMOTE_NDIS_HALT_MSG or a bus-level disconnect or hard-reset at any time forces the device to the RNDIS-uninitialized state.

  • Halt

    At any time that the device is in the RNDIS-initialized or RNDIS-data-initialized state, the host computer may terminate the Remote NDIS functionality of the device by sending REMOTE_NDIS_HALT_MSG to the device.

  • Resetting the Communication Channel

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    The communication channel is reset when an error, such as message time-out, occurs. The host may initiate a reset at any time when the device is in the RNDIS-initialized state by sending the message REMOTE_NDIS_RESET_MSG to the device and the device must send a response message when it has completed the reset. For example, the host may initiate a reset when an error, such as a message time-out, has occurred.

    Note that this is a soft reset in the sense that any handles (for example, VCs for connection-oriented devices) continue to be valid after the reset. The Remote NDIS device discards all outstanding requests and packets as part of the reset process. The remote device might reset some of its hardware components, but keeps the communication channel intact.

    If the Remote NDIS device performs a reboot, this event is equivalent to 'Remove' followed by 'Add' Plug and Play events. The host NDIS miniport driver will be halted and removed, and a new instance will be added and started. All bus-level and Remote NDIS initialization will be re-executed. A Remote NDIS device may reboot itself in the event of a critical device failure.

  • Flow Control

    The Remote NDIS device may need to exercise flow control to prevent the host from overflowing its data buffers with packets. Any flow control provisions or requirements are bus specific.

  • Numeric Byte Ordering

    All numeric values in Remote NDIS messages must be coded in little-endian format (least significant byte first).

  • NDIS Message Encapsulation

    There is no Remote NDIS specification for the way NDIS messages are encapsulated in native bus messages or primitives. Toshiba wusb host adapter driver download.